

Beatriz Funk

0704 91 44 80


Helsingborg Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen

Bike in Helsingborg

Task: Creation of a new bicycle map, exhibition stand design, logotype, PowerPoint presentation, graphic profile and all the material needed for this event.

My goal was to make the map easier for the cyclists to use it when biking and want to have a quick look. They don't need to open the whole map, instead can look and find their route in different sections. Some tourist attractions were highlighted by colours, so visitors can easily find them by following the colour stripes through the different sections. All street names were added to the map. When the map is folded it can be placed in your pocket.

Bicycle map

The map received good critics by the Swedish Cycle Society Association and gave inspiration to other cities: "The bicycle map has a scale of 1:20 000 and different ways of folding it allows you to access both sides of the map in an easy manner."