

Beatriz Funk

0704 91 44 80


Helsingborg Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen


Task: Graphic identity for exhibition, print materials and logotype.

The collage was placed in a permanent exhibition that covers all walls in 360 degrees and it is 37 meters wide and 4 meters high.

ATMOS 2.0 is an interactive experience exhibition that brings an engagement on climate change problems. My task was to create the ATMOS graphic identity and photo collage of how Helsingborg could look like in year 2035.  

I had free hands, but some elements should be in the picture, such as a tunnel between Helsingborg and Helsingör, environmentally friendly transportation and water channels that symbolize project H+. I photographed various parts of the city, investigated various environmental trends and made the photo collage in Photoshop by using my imagination.

See the whole picture